Our #MindfulMondays Winner Is Revealed! - One Day Creative
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May 08, 2018

Our #MindfulMondays Winner Is Revealed!

#MindfulMondays ODC

Earlier this year we launched #MindfulMondays, an online initiative to open up a conversation around mental health. Each week we shared our own tips for achieving mindfulness in the workplace and also invited you, our wonderful schools, to share what you are doing to promote emotional wellbeing within your own classrooms.

Fancy some wonderfully simple mindfulness exercises that are perfect for teachers? Interested in finding out if mindfulness could be your superpower? How about finding out what some members of the One Day team do to stay mindful? These are all subjects we spoke about during the project.

We also loved hearing from you and are delighted to announce our winner… Cookridge Primary School in Leeds! Their KS1 Leader got in touch to tell us all about the fantastic work they do:

“The children are encouraged to be good well-rounded human beings. We practice mindfulness as a whole school approach, are self-validated for healthy schools and nearly MindMate Champions. Next term we are trialling a restorative practice system to encourage independent children to work through their problems.”

To thank Cookridge Primary School for their participation and celebrate the brilliant work they do, we will be visiting them later in the Summer Term with a full-school performance all about mindfulness and mental health. We can’t wait and will be sure to share some photos from our day with them!

#MindfulMondays ODC

In the meantime, we are delighted to have expanded our range of popular Mindfulness workshops:

  • Mindfulness for KS1-KS4 – Our core Mindfulness workshops can be adapted for any age group as we begin to look at the common mental health issues prevalent in young people. How might it feel to suffer from some of these issues? What might triggers look like? How can we help each other? Creativity and role play help us to explore mindfulness and provide practical tips that both children and staff can take home.
  • Mindfulness for teachers and parents – It’s not just for children! Mindfulness has the capacity to enhance the wellbeing of staff and parents too. But how can we embed this in our everyday lives? And how can we best encourage the children in our care? These taster sessions feature practical tools and advice on bringing mindfulness into the home and classroom.
  • Who Said Life Isn’t a Fairytale? for EYFS/KS1 – Bring together imagination, creativity and positivity as we use well-known fairytales as a fun way to show children how they can relax their bodies and minds. Peace, love and happiness are key themes that run through most fairytales and our experienced facilitator uses these to help promote positive mental health awareness.
  • *BRAND NEW* Resilience and Growth Mindset for KS1-2 – We’re delighted to announce our brand new resilience-focused workshop all about self-awareness, boosting self-esteem and managing the pressures of the fast-paced, digital world we live in. Let’s get together and flex those ‘resilience muscles!’.

We also offer more targeted wellbeing workshops on topics such as anti-bullying, transitioning to secondary school and exam stress. You can get in touch with us on hello@onedaycreative.com or 01937 547 143 to find out more and ask any questions you may have. We are happy to help!

In the meantime, another huge congratulations to Cookridge Primary School for being our #MindfulMondays winner!

With very best wishes,

Ruth and the One Day Creative team x

#MindfulMondays ODC

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