Filled with suitable fairytales for the classroom, you can pick from Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, The Three Little Pigs, Snow White or Hansel and Gretel.
Our literacy projects are ideal for providing that imaginative stimulus, aimed to enthuse pupils about setting off on their very own literary adventure. Our One Day Literacy projects are especially popular options for ‘Book Week’, meeting lots of magical characters along the way.
Filled with suitable fairytales for the classroom, you can pick from Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, The Three Little Pigs, Snow White or Hansel and Gretel.
Ahoy me hearties! Long John Silver and his motley crew are plotting a mutiny!
“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble!”
KS1 / KS2
Get ready for an almighty adventure where dragons dive through the skies and knights' tales are brought to life!
A magical forest? Bewitching spells? A Fairy Kingdom with mischievous sprites? That’s right, it’s time to delve into the most magical of Shakespearean stories: A Midsummer Night’s Dream!
Romeo & Juliet is one of the best-loved Shakespearean stories – for good reason!
KS1 / KS2
Deep in the jungle the animals live, play and hunt. But what happens when they come across a man-cub in their territory?
Explore Roman myths and legends, the Anglo Saxons or traditional stories from Ancient China. Or enjoy a whistle-stop tour from all three in one day!