Interview with Triathlete Jessica Learmonth! - One Day Creative
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June 10, 2016

Interview with Triathlete Jessica Learmonth!

In the build up to our involvement with the 2016 World Triathlon, we were delighted to have the opportunity to interview British triathlete Jessica Learmonth. Jessica swung by the One Day offices to tell us all about her achievements and career success so far.

One Day: So Jessica, tell us about your achievements to date?

Jessica: I started my career as a triathlete in 2011 and have worked hard to compete at elite level all over the world. One of my recent accomplishments was achieving 1st overall in the European Continental Cup. I have also competed in Australia, New Zealand and various places across Europe.

OD: What inspired you to get into athletics?

J: When I was younger I enjoyed taking part in various sports and being part of a team. I started off as a swimmer and continued to challenge myself. I worked as a personal trainer prior to becoming a full time triathlete, and have always loved sports and being part of a club.

OD: What advice would you give to young people interested in getting into sports?

J: Try as many different sports as you can and never give up! Stay committed and enjoy taking part in new things.

OD: Who is your idol/hero?

J: My parents and family who have always believed in me. My Dad also used to compete in triathlons and watching him from a young age inspired me.

OD: Tell us about your challenges and how have you overcome them?

J: When starting out in my career it was challenging to juggle working full time with training and competing. Also injuries can set you back; last year I just got on the GB team then broke both my elbows whist training. I found it frustrating not being able to train for a while but this made me more determined when I returned to full fitness.

OD: If you didn’t become a triathlete, what else do you think you may have done as a career?

J: I have always enjoyed sports so maybe coaching others. At school I also enjoyed baking and art.

OD: What motivates you?

J: Every time you win something you gain an enormous sense of motivation. It can be really addictive! I do really enjoy taking part and working really hard to achieve my goals.


OD: Tell us about your training regime?

J: I swim and run five times a week. I cycle four times a week and go to the gym twice a week. I also do yoga and a brick session. Training is pretty full-on but it is important in order to maintain fitness levels.

OD: How did you get into a full time career in sports?

J: My parents would take me swimming and I have been part of a club from a young age. I started competing in local triathlons and then continued to improve to an elite level.

OD: Tell us about your goals for the future.

J: I intend to compete in the Commonwealth in the Gold Coast in 2018 and Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

OD: Finally, what would you say your three most important tips would be to someone who wants to achieve something new?

J: They would be to remain dedicated, open minded, and most importantly to make sure it’s something you enjoy taking part in! 


We loved meeting Jess and we wish her and the other triathletes the best in the 2016 World Triathlon event this weekend in Leeds! We have been working with Shire Oak and Roundhay St John’s Primary School who will be performing their One Day Dance Carnival Brazil and Chinese Ribbon Dance along the route.

Come along – we’d love to see you there! 

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