Our Half Term Holiday Camp Fun! - One Day Creative
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June 03, 2016

Our Half Term Holiday Camp Fun!

School’s out! and this jam-packed half term we have been having lots of fun at Gateways School in Leeds!


On Tuesday, the week started in Brazil with a festival full of games, Samba and Capoeria dancing and drumming! Our wonderful facilitators Sam, Issac and Steve led the children through the day, teaching them traditional Brazilian dance steps, introducing Samba music and playing the Surdos and Agogos! The children also choreographed their own dance masterpiece and music accompaniment to show back at the end of the day!


      samba dance

           samba drums


On Wednesday the children went on an adventure to China! Once our holiday campers had arrived, the day began with some games, in which they learned how to use chopsticks! They then learned Chinese Ribbon Dancing! The children loved making shapes in the air with their ribbons and they created a group dance with Sam to show back at the end of the day. After lunch, it was time for some arts and crafts and the children made some colourful Chinese Lanterns, which made a beautiful backdrop for their dance performance!


 ribbon dance boys


Thursday got the children up and moving! Facilitator Callum taught them some spectacular circus skills, such as plate-spinning, how to use the Diabolo, even tightrope walking, and many more! In the afternoon, fitness fanatic Jonny took the children into the sports hall for some training and exercise! The children learned about the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle and how fitness can be both fun and sociable!







The week has ended with a bang and Friday was all about America! One Day Performancce treated the children to a Brazilian bonanza with their brand new production, “Espirito Olimpico Brazil!” The performance was based around the Rio 2016 Olympic games and was jam-packed with songs, singing and Samba! Sam then took the children for some Street and Hip-Hop dancing and they collaboratively created a performance for the parents!


effectus 2


The holiday campers and One Day Team have all had an exciting and energetic week, making new friends, learning new skills and knowledge about different cultures and most of all, having a barrel of laughs!


We’re now taking bookings for our School’s Out Summer Camp, so if you’re looking for something interesting, fun and creative for your children to do over the Summer holidays, get in touch while we still have availability!


We’ll see you there!


Aimee and the One Day Team x

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