Religious Festivals - One Day Creative
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KS1 / KS2

Religious Festivals

England, Scotland, Wales


Religious Festivals is an action-packed journey through four unique celebrations observed by four different faiths: Lent, Eid, Hanukkah and Vaisakhi. These four 1-hour workshops can be delivered to the same class or you can pick 'n' mix to deliver different workshop focuses for up to four different classes. Bring unique religious customs to life through the performing arts and develop a deeper understanding of cultures and traditions from around the world.

Autumn Term 2020 School Workshops**You can now join us online and browse an exciting digital library of educational videos for primary pupils, including Religious Education workshops. Click here to visit Uno.**

"The workshops were fun and engaging. The presenter was fab! She had all of the children hooked with the content and made sure everyone could access to the learning through her enthusiastic delivery and hands on approach. This has really helped cement their learning. Thank you for everything and for making RE and learning about other faiths inspiring and exciting."

Class Teacher


What the children learn...

  • Examine a variety of religious festivals and the traditions which take place during them
  • Discover the connections between different religions and worldviews through immersive activities
  • Understand the meanings behind and significance of a number of religious festivals
  • Explore ideas and feelings through role-play, voice and drama

How this One Day Workshop works:


This is delivered as a one-hour workshop for up to four classes of 35 children across a school day.

Suitable for

KS1 / KS2 / P1 - 3 / P4 - 7


Pricing for this workshop is £450 + VAT for a full day.

What we need from you

A large, clear space (such as a school hall) is ideal so participating children can move around comfortably. The more information you can provide about the needs of your class the better.

Enquire about this workshop

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Religious Festivals

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