Diwali school workshop for KS1 & KS2 - One Day Creative
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The Festival of Lights (that’s another name for Diwali!) has five full days of celebrations. Five days?! That sounds like something we should know about! Let’s use this Diwali KS1 & KS2 workshop to walk through the different stages of the historic Hindu festival, exploring how each day is celebrated differently and the ancient stories behind them. Are you ready to party?


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"One day are a truly fabulous company who are able to revolutionise the way children learn. Their facilitators are engaging and inspiring and are able to bring a true sense of magic to children's learning. Having worked with them on several projects now I simply can not wait to have them back again."

Head of Drama


What the children learn...

  • Explore the legends of the festival of Diwali and ancient Hindu stories
  • Examine the traditions of each day of the festival
  • Encourage the exploration of other cultures and religions
  • Express ideas and feelings through voice, movement, role play and drama

How this One Day Workshop works:


This workshop can be delivered as a one-hour, two-hour or full-day workshop depending on your class numbers and preference.

Suitable for

KS1 / KS2 / P1 - 3 / P4 - 7


Pricing for this workshop ranges from £375-£450 + VAT for the full day depending on the number of classes. Please get in touch for a tailored quote.

What we need from you

A large, clear space (such as a school hall) is ideal so participating children can move around comfortably. The more information you can provide about the needs of your class the better.

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