Mental Health Awareness Week 2016 - One Day Creative
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May 18, 2016

Mental Health Awareness Week 2016

This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week 2016, and this year the focus is on relationships.


The aim of this focus is to encourage us to think about the quality of our relationships with the people in our lives and how vital these relationships are to our overall mental health.


The number of relationships we all have in our lives is vast – whether we notice it or not, we have formed relationships with everybody we have ever met: colleagues, family, old friends, even our doctor and our local shop owner. The relationships are so diverse and we take different things from each of them.

The Mental Health Foundation has set a challenge for the public this year, and that’s to go the extra mile in prioritising good relationships by making a ‘relationship resolution’. If we take some time to think about our relationships, we can think about ways to commit to, and build on the good relationships by investing more in being present with and listening to family, friends and colleagues.

Good relationships help us live longer and lead happier lives with fewer physical and mental health problems, so we should cherish them. We can all make small changes, which in turn will help make our relationships stronger. Here in the One Day office, we have all made a ‘relationship resolution’ and we’d like to share them:


– “To visit my family more and spend more quality time with them as we all now live in different cities.”


– “To not have my mobile on the table when I’m eating with friends or family.”


– “To make more time to speak to my long distance friends on the phone.”


– “To make sure I communicate in more ways than by simply relying on social media.”


– “To make time to speak to cousins that are overseas and to save up to hopefully go meet them one day.”



What is your #RelationshipsResolution?


Aimee and the One Day Team x

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