Shang Dynasty - One Day Creative
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Shang Dynasty

England, Scotland, Wales


Get ready for a drama-filled journey to the banks of the Yellow River, the second longest river in China, where the powerful Shang Dynasty used to dwell. For over five centuries they ruled as an impressive civilisation, with fearsome warriors and remarkable royal palaces. But what happened next? With your One Day facilitator, your pupils will become part of the Shang Dynasty's elite army, understand their religious beliefs and discover the skill that went into their famous jade carvings! Join us for this blast into the past and a unique look at ancient China for KS2.

Try this Anti-Bullying KS2 activity as a warm up for Anti-Bullying Week 2020

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"This is the second time we have used your company for a Shang Dynasty workshop and the children love it. They were so engaged and enjoyed the range of activities that you had on offer. They were able to use their knowledge of what they had learnt to put in practise within the workshop. They also learnt new things which has enhanced their knowledge going forward in the topic."



What the children learn...

  • Examine the historical context of the Shang Dynasty including how it began and ended
  • Discover who populated the Shang Dynasty, how they lived, worked and shaped the world
  • Understand the importance of religion and how people communicated with the gods
  • Explore ideas and feelings through roleplay, voice and drama

How this One Day Workshop works:


This workshop can be delivered as one-hour or two-hour workshops across a full day, depending on your class numbers and preference.

Suitable for

KS2 / P4 - 7


Pricing for this workshop ranges from £395-£450 + VAT for the full day depending on the number of classes. Please get in touch for a tailored quote.

What we need from you

A large, clear space (such as a school hall) is ideal so participating children can move around comfortably. The more information you can provide about the needs of your class the better.

Enquire about this workshop

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Shang Dynasty

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