Win a One Day E-Safety workshop - One Day Creative
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September 11, 2013

Win a One Day E-Safety workshop

We are really pleased to be working with Schools Broadband on a fantastic E-Safety competition for schools. This competition gives you the chance to win a One Day E-Safety workshop for your school. There is one prize for primary schools and one for secondary, with each workshop tailored accordingly to each level.


To enter, all you have to do is get your pupils to design a poster that can be put up in your school to let others know how to keep themselves safe online. The poster can be on A4 or A3 sized paper and can be hand-drawn or produced digitally. The entries will then be posted on the Schools Broadband Facebook page and the winning poster will be printed and sent out with their January issue of Connected.


To submit your entries, please send these by post to: One Day Competition, Schools Broadband, Talk Straight Ltd, Suite 4, Dalesway House, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, LS29 9LA. The closing date for entries is Friday 6 December 2013.  The Terms & Conditions can be found here.

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