Our School Residencies And Subscriptions: The Lowdown! - One Day Creative
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June 06, 2018

Our School Residencies And Subscriptions: The Lowdown!

Here at One Day Creative we connect children and learning, with creativity and imagination. That’s our motto. And while the vast majority of our workshops are designed to be delivered in a single day for maximum impact (the clue is in the name: One Day!), we also offer a range of Residency and Subscription Programmes. These are perfect for schools looking for a longer-term relationship packed full of personalised teaching, but with the benefit of added flexibility.

Drama, movement, imagination and active participation remain at the core of what we do, no matter if it’s one day or one whole year we’re visiting you! We enrich the curriculum and complement classroom teaching, so whether it’s a weekly visit that offers PPA cover and brings a chosen curriculum topic to life, or a special subscription package where you can choose from a multitude of topics, we’ve got something for everyone.

One Day school residencies

School Residencies

Our Creative Residency Programmes provide PPA cover, helping to strengthen your pupils’ understanding of curriculum topics while you’re away from the classroom.

We have a number of school residencies, led by our Core Curriculum Programme. This is designed to fit around any topic your class is studying. Each week the same friendly and experienced facilitator will have the whole class up on their feet and engaging with the subject, whether that’s the Stone Age or Saxons, Space or the Seaside! We adapt our content to fit your requirements and the facilitator will have regular check-ins with class teachers to make sure their sessions match up perfectly with classroom teaching.

The result? Increased understanding of a topic, while also providing the freedom for your pupils to explore ideas, thoughts and feelings they may have on it. All sessions are designed to increase confidence and awareness of others, through movement, role play and team building activities.

Or harness that energy and take part in our Active Residency Programme instead. It also directly links to your curriculum topics but with dance, movement and exercise playing a much bigger role. After all, exercise shouldn’t just be limited to PE lessons! We make sure that everyone involved gets at least 30 minutes of physical activity, which means your Sports Premium can help fund this residency programme. There are so many benefits and we want to help young people develop physically active habits for life – reports show that exercise can help improve academic performance. Win win!

Finally, if your school is looking for new ways to encourage positive mental health, our creative Mindfulness workshops could work wonders. Using innovative drama techniques, we equip children with the tools to practice Mindfulness both at school and at home. From EYFS all the way through to UKS2, we explore themes like body awareness, breathing techniques, resilience tools, focus, stress management and more. We also offer a digital platform so you can evidence the positive impact the workshops have had within your school.

One Day school residencies


Do you know you’ll want to make the most of our range of creative, participatory workshops next year, but not sure which exact topics you’ll want? Our Subscription service offers flexibility and stability for your school – the best of both worlds. You can allocate budget to workshops well in advance and spread the cost across the year, but confirm your preferred dates and topics later. Genius!

Some workshops are designed for a class of 30 for the full day, others work with multiple classes across 1 and 2 hours bursts. There’s a huge range on offer and truly something for everybody: history, literacy, online safety, international culture, PSHE, science, world events, dance, music – you name it, we’ve got it!

Taking out a subscription means you can choose a package of 6, 9, 12 or 15 full workshop days to be delivered across the academic year at times to suit you. You can decide on the exact topics and timings later, but booking up front means you’ll access exclusive prices not available on individual bookings. Popular topics (Safer Internet Day, Anti-Bullying Week etc) are better booked at the start of the year as these weeks get booked up well in advance, but otherwise we ask for at least month’s notice each time so we can secure the exact date you want.

One Day school subscription

If you’d like to know more about either our Residency or Subscription programmes, or simply have a flip through one of our brochures for more information, feel free to get in touch and our friendly Ambassadors will be happy to help. We’re available Monday-Friday 8am-4.30pm on 01937 547 143 or hello@onedaycreative.com.

Love from all the team at One Day Creative x

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