Being Kind Online - Anti-Bullying KS2 Workshop - One Day Creative
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Be Kind Online

England, Scotland, Wales

Can the things we say and do online affect other people’s feelings? Of course they can! In this interactive Anti-Bullying workshop, your KS2 pupils will explore the importance of being kind online. With social media and online gaming an integral part of life today, we use themed activities and role play to introduce pupils to the ways in which online bullying can manifest. From the positives of the digital world to the possible dangers, your pupils will leave clued up and ready to champion being kind online!

An ideal PSHE workshop all year round or for Anti-Bullying Week in November.

Try this Anti-Bullying KS2 activity as a warm up for Anti-Bullying Week 2020


**You can now join us online and browse an exciting digital library of educational videos for primary pupils, including Anti-Bullying workshops. Click here to visit Uno.**


"The children really enjoyed the workshop and are all really clued up now. They have been enthusiastic in their responses to an e-safety talk topic which I set for them each morning. The KS1 workshops were enjoyable yet portrayed the serious messages clearly to the children. The KS2 workshop and performance worked well in Yr5 and staff involved said they would definitely have that day again in subsequent years. It was really good for us being two form-entry that you were able to accommodate both classes, so often companies only really cater for one form entry schools - thank you!"

Head Teacher


What the children learn...

  • Explore the online world and social media
  • Examine the different ways cyberbullying can happen
  • Discuss the positives and negatives of our technological lives
  • Express ideas and feelings through voice, movement, role play and drama

How this One Day Workshop works:


This workshop can be delivered as a one-hour, two-hour or full-day workshop depending on your class numbers and preference.

Suitable for

KS2 / P4 - 7


Pricing for this workshop ranges from £375-£450 + VAT for the full day depending on the number of classes. Please get in touch for a tailored quote.

What we need from you

A large, clear space (such as a school hall) is ideal so participating children can move around comfortably. The more information you can provide about the needs of your class the better.

After the workshop...

  • A follow-up Resource Pack is also available for this workshop
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Be Kind Online

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