Early Islamic Civilisation - One Day Creative
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Early Islamic Civilisation

England, Scotland, Wales


Embark on a drama-filled journey to ancient Mesopotamia, where some of the world's earliest civilisations began. Here, nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, you'll see how the thriving city of Baghdad was formed. Together with your One Day facilitator, step inside the circular city walls to discover the libraries, markets and leaders that made this historic metropolis such a hub of wealth and knowledge. But... what happened to diminish its epic power?

School workshop nurturing children back to classroom learning

**You can now join us online and browse an exciting digital library of educational videos for primary pupils, including History workshops. Click here to visit Uno.**

"“The children really liked that they were given the chance to create their own interpretations and drama scenes, as opposed to just sitting and learning. They also really liked the amount of teamwork and drama opportunities they were given. The member of staff in the session has said how interesting and interactive the content was and that she would definitely encourage us to have the same event next year.”"



What the children learn...

  • Examine life in this Early Islamic Civilisation and understand the cultural differences between this civilisation and your own.
  • Discover what made Baghdad the most powerful city in the world at the time.
  • Investigate Mesopotamian folklore and traditional Arabic tales.
  • Explore ideas and feelings through role-play, voice and drama.

How this One Day Workshop works:


This is delivered as a two-hour workshop for up to two classes of 35 children across a school day. If you are a three-form entry school we can adapt this workshop to accommodate all three classes within the day, to fit in with your school timings. 

Suitable for

KS2 / P4 - 7


Pricing for this workshop is £395 + VAT for a full day.

What we need from you

A large, clear space (such as a school hall) is ideal so participating children can move around comfortably. The more information you can provide about the needs of your class the better.

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Early Islamic Civilisation

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