We're A Digital Wellbeing Company! - One Day Creative
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February 13, 2025

We’re A Digital Wellbeing Company!

We’re delighted to announce that, following our application last year, we’ve officially been certified as a digital wellbeing company.

Issued by The Digital Wellbeing Company, this certification shows we are recognised as a digitally responsible workplace. But what does ‘digitally responsible’ mean? In a nutshell, it means we champion healthy technology use within our staff and wider facilitation team.

In order to achieve the qualification, One Day had to fulfil the following five criteria:

  • We recognise and embrace technology in our workplace
  • We create space and nurture a culture that encourages great communication
  • We encourage our teams to remove distractions to create space for action and prioritise focused time
  • We optimise and serve the needs of our Human Intelligence to maximise happier, healthier, and more productive humans
  • We recognise that regular breaks help our employees’ well-being. We create a culture that embraces this and encourages employees to take regular breaks and switch off outside of working hours

As many of you know, we travel the country educating pupils and teachers about the importance of Online Safety. This all begins with good user habits. Therefore, it’s hugely important to use that we practice what we preach within our own work environment.

We’re committed to both maintaining and growing our digital wellbeing practices here at One Day, and are proud to share this certification with you.

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